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I have been composing since i was 6 years old. Below is a selection of some of my songs, instrumental,electro acoustic compositions and arrangements from solo projects, The BeauBowBelles and Bowjangles.

This is a selection of some of the works from my song cycle 'Idyll'. Music and song written all about Poppyland, an area on the North Norfolk coast where I grew up. Inspired by note books written by my great aunt Kit Hood in 1910 full of stories, lyrics, field names and other 'country miscellaneuos' transcribed from locals living in what was a very rural area at the time. Some of the songs from this cycle are available to download from my shop. Some I have yet to record and there are still some that I haven't yet written.. This song cycle will be a life long project!
Down The Road Maximal Aerobic Power Mix Official Music Video 2020

Down The Road Maximal Aerobic Power Mix Official Music Video 2020

Down The Road wasn’t the song we thought we’d be releasing this summer. We’ve never even played it live together! It was recorded at the end of last year and put on the back burner to be finished - edited/produced/mixed at a later date. But then Covid happened and this song just said it all. Currently as a band we are seperated by 1000s of miles and limited by technology and time but we still wanted to have a video with all of us in it. Hope you enjoy! Whilst many peoples’ lives our returning to some sort of normal we have had all our gigs either cancelled or postponed till next year losing us our main revenue and the main reason we make music. The song is available on all the usual platforms but we get a bit more £ from bandcamp so buying from there would be cool for us. ✌🏻 Down The Road was inspired by a personal feeling of loss, separation, grief and desperate hopeful optimism. That personal experience has now become everyone’s experience. We all need something to look forward to. We miss each other dreadfully. We miss our families dreadfully. We miss playing music together. We miss playing live. Let’s hope we see you all Down The Road soon. PS. For those of you who came to us via the folk byways, don’t be too scared! We decided to release this “Anaerobic Power Mix” first because it was just too much fun not to!This is a lyric video for our new single
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